Watch Our Video: The EITC Helps Workers #WinTaxTime

elenaJust in time for EITC Awareness Day, check out our 30-second animated video on how the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) gives low-wage workers a break at tax time.

The video, called “When Your Paycheck Doesn’t Cut It: The EITC Can Help,” features Elena, a 20-something, who, despite working hard, struggles to afford student loans and rent. Because of these demands on her wallet, Elena files for the EITC at tax time to help make ends meet and build financial security.

You can find the video, as well as other resources on the EITC at Please share Elena’s story with your networks and join the conversation on social media using #WinTaxTime.

And, don’t forget to register for our EITC Awareness Day policy briefing on Capitol Hill this Friday.