
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

Arizona does not currently offer a state-level EITC.

Latest Legislative Actions: In 2022, SB1018 was proposed to create a new state EITC. However, it was not passed.

Child Tax Credit (CTC)

Rates (Non-refundable): One-time tax rebate valued at $250, can claim up to three children.

Eligibility Requirements: 

  • All qualifying children must have been 17 years old or younger in 2021. For children 17 and older, a $100 tax rebate can be claimed.

Latest Legislative Actions: In 2023, Gov. Katie Hobbs signed a new one-time Child Tax Rebate that provides eligible families up to $750 as part of a $17.8 billion state budget. 

Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit (CDCTC)

Arizona does not currently offer a state-level CDCTC.

For More State Information

Karen McLaughlin, Director of Fiscal Policy
Children’s Action Alliance
(602) 266-0707 ext. 207